Alaska Career Information System
Alaska resident login.
Select your city or town and enter your zip code.
Please note that the zip code login option is for Alaskan residents who are not working directly with, or associated with, a school or agency such as a job center. If you are working with a school or agency that is a registered AKCIS site, you should login under that account to ensure you receive the best support. Also note that unless you login under the appropriate account for your school or agency, some features will not be available to you, such as messages from your counselor and accurate course planning data. If you have already created a portfolio under the zip code login, please use your personal portfolio username and password. To transfer your zip code login portfolio to another account click here for detailed instructions.
For assistance with username and password questions, or tech support contact your local site administrator
or call (800) 441-2962 option #3 (465-2962 in Juneau).